9/13/2022: Amanda gave her talk “Microscopic and Video-Based Optical Techniques in Engineering Education” at the 2022 ASEE Midwest Section Conference in Tulsa, OK.

9/12/2022: Christy, Stephen, and Jackson gave their talks at the 2022 ASEE Midwest Section Conference in Tulsa, OK. Topics: Chirsty’s talk “Infusing High-Performance Computing and Machine Learning in Mechanical Engineering Education,” Stephen’s talk “Enhancing...

8/30/2022: Corbin and Anthony gave talks about their summer internship at Marshall Space Flight Center at the MEEG Graduate Seminar. The title of Corbin’s talk is “NASA Engineering Design: Lunar Rover ​ and Accessory, ​Optical Technology” and the title of Anthony’s...

8/18/2022: Congratulations to Christy on receiving the Doctoral Student Presentation Travel Grant to support her trip to Tulsa, OK!

8/18/2022: Congratulations to Jackson on receiving the Honors College Conference Travel Grant to support his trip to Tulsa, OK!