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10/2/2024: Congratulations on NED3 on receiving an Honors College Faculty Equipment and Technology Grant to acquire a high-frequency acoustic emission sensing system!


3/1/2024: Congratulations to AcoustiFlux (EL: Najee Stubbs & Christy Dunlap, TL: Han Hu, IM: Catherine Corley) on receiving the Spirit of I-Corp award and Catherine Corley on receiving the Star Mentor Award at the NSF National I-Corps Southwest Winter Cohort 2024....


2/14/2024: Jackson Marsh presented his work on "Advanced Acoustic Sensing for Thermal Fault Detection in Electronics Cooling" to legislators at the Arkansas STEM Posters @ the Capitol. Jackson is one of the seven representatives of the University of Arkansas...


11/2/2023: Congratulations to NED3 for receiving a NASA I-Corps National Course award! Najee Stubbs and Christy Dunlap are the Co-EL of our NASA I-Corps pilot team. Catherine Corley from the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center (ASBTDC) will serve...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas consectetur, elit vitae facilisis eleifend, ipsum elit lobortis eros, elementum porta mi felis ut massa.