Bubble Dynamics on Multi-Tier Structured Surfaces

  • Synchronized optical, acoustic, and thermal sensing
  • Data-driven modeling of liquid-vapor interface dynamics
  • Collaboration with the Coridan Group.

Flow Boiling

  • Pumped 2-phase cooling of microchannel heat sinks
  • Flow loop compatible with testing real-world power electronic devices
  • Non-intrusive acoustic emissions sensing

Pool Boiling Bubble Tracking

  • Understanding bubble dynamics using AI and optical pool boiling data
  • Mask-RCNN object localization and DeepSORT tracking algorithm

Thermal Visualization of Friction Heating

  • High-resolution, high-speed thermal imaging
  • Visualization of thermal energy generation and dissipation

CAM and 5-Axis CNC Machining

  • Continuous 5-axis machining timelapse of Pocket NC V2-10
  • Integrated CAM and CNC machining
  • Honors student-centered research

Immersion Cooling of Power Electronics

Reunion of CTRC at 2025 Gordon Research Conference: Micro and Nanoscale Phase Change Phenomena. 

Dr. Hari Pandey (Ph.D., first Ph.D. student of NED3), Joshua Mora Sanchez (BSME, Summa Cum Laude), and Josef Frankhouse (BSME, Summa Cum Laude) at the Fall Commencement.

Han Hu’s visit to the Advanced Manufacturing Center (picture with Dr. Rick Barker and Bruce Thomas) and Aerospace Center (picture with Vince Gemmiti) at the University of Arkansas – Pulaski Technological College (UA-PTC).

Han Hu with PI Jennifer Fowler at the 2025 Arkansas NSF EPSCoR DART Annual Meeting in Little Rock.

Hari Pandey and his committee members after his Ph.D. defense.

NED3 lab members facilitating ESA.

Han Hu at the 2024 ITherm ITherm Conference.

Hari Pandey presenting his paper on two-phase immersion cooling at ITherm 2024 in Denver, CO.

Stephen Pierson at the Cardinal & White Celebration.

NED3 Group Picture – Spring 2024.

Hari Pandey and Dylan Wallen, collaborator from U Cincinnati ran acoustic sensing tests of flow condensation at NASA Glenn Research Center. 

DatadDroid at 24th Arkansas Governor’s Cup Award Luncheon.

Spring 2024 Class of MEEG 2403-002 Thermodynamics with Han Hu. 

Battlebot demo by Robotics Interdisciplinary Organization of Teams (RIOT) during the UofA campus visit of George Jr. High School and Lakeside Jr. High School. 

UofA Campus visit of Chris Rogers, Project Manager, John Eustace, Project Engineer, and Yinan Li, Systems Engineer from ZIN Technologies – Powered by Voyager Space.

Jackson Marsh at the 2024 Arkansas STEM Posters at the Capitol event in Little Rock, AR.

Han Hu at the 2023 GRid-connected Advanced Power Electronic Systems (GRAPES) Conference in Fayetteville, AR. 

Han Hu at the 2023 IEEE-USA Innovation, Workforce, and Research Conference (IWRC). (From left to right) Jerri Jenise James from UAPB, Weston Waldo from UT Austin, Han Hu, and Bridgett Williams Pinkins from UAPB.

NED3 students attending the ASEE 2023 Midwest Section Conference. First photo (from left to right): Chinmaya Joshi, Stephen Pierson, Trevor Harris, and Joshua Mora Sanchez.

Stephen Pierson gives the final presentation during the UofA STEAM Training in Entrepreneurial Practices (STEP) I-Corps Closing Workshop at Brewer Family Entrepreneurship Hub.

NED3 Students at 2023 ASME Summer Heat Transfer and Energy Sustainability Conferences in Washington DC. First photo (from left to right): Hari Pandey, Ethan Weems, Christy Dunlap, Jackson Marsh, and Amanda Williams.

2023 NED3 Summer Undergraduate Student Orientation. 1st row: Christy Dunlap, Josef Frankhouse, Grant Resler, Chinmaya Joshi. 2nd row: Logan Raben, Han Hu, Corbin Russ, Hari Pandey. 3rd row: Najee Stubbs, Jackson Marsh, Harrison Greene, Trevor Harris, Ethan Weems, Jackson Minnick, and Stephen Pierson.
ASGC Certificates: Landon Lemmons, Corbin Russ, Hari Pandey, Ethan Weems, and Anthony Tello.
NED3 Lab Member at the 2023 National Award Reception: Front Row (from left to right): Christy Dunlap and Amanda Williams, and Back Row (from left to right): Han Hu, Stephen Pierson, Corbin Russ, Hari Pandey, and Larry Marshall Jr.

First photo (from left to right): Hari Pandey, Ethan Weems, Corbin Russ, and Anthony Tello at the 2023 Arkansas Space Grant Symposium in Morrilton, AR. Second photo: Amanda Williams at the symposium.

Christy presenting her poster on acoustic-based heat flux measurements at the AI for Thermal Energy Science Workshop in Irvine, CA.



3/8/2024: Congratulations to Stephen Pierson on being recognized as a 2024 Senior of Significance!


2/14/2024: Jackson Marsh presented his work on “Advanced Acoustic Sensing for Thermal Fault Detection in Electronics Cooling” to legislators at the Arkansas STEM Posters @ the Capitol. Jackson is one of the seven representatives of the University of Arkansas Fayetteville at the event.


11/2/2023: Congratulations to NED3 for receiving a NASA I-Corps National Course award! Najee Stubbs and Christy Dunlap are the Co-EL of our NASA I-Corps pilot team. Catherine Corley from the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center (ASBTDC) will serve as the I-Corps mentor.


10/11/2023: Congratulations to NED3 on receiving an Honors College Faculty Equipment & Technology Grant to support the procurement of a laser for our in-house developed SLS facility!

9/28: Pandey

9/28/2023: Congratulations to Hari Pandey on receiving the Larry and Gwen Stephens Graduate Scholarship and the Reginald R. ‘Barney’ & Jameson A. Baxter Graduate Fellowship!

9/28: Stubbs

9/28/2023: Congratulations to Najee Stubbs on receiving the Larry and Gwen Stephens Graduate Scholarship and the Reginald R. ‘Barney’ & Jameson A. Baxter Graduate Fellowship!

9/28: Dunlap

9/28/2023: Congratulations to Christy Dunlap on receiving the Earl H. Beling Doctoral Fund!

September 12, 2023-2

9/12/2023: Congratulations to Han Hu on receiving the Distinguished Research and Teaching Faculty Award from the Honors College!

September 12, 2023

9/12/2023: Congratulations to Chinmaya Joshi on receiving the 1st Place Best Student Paper Award at the ASEE 2023 Midwest Section Conference in Lincoln, NE! Congratulations to the co-authors of the paper as well, Stephen Pierson, Jackson Minnick, and Corbin Russ!

September 11, 2023

9/11/2023: Congratulations on Stephen Pierson on receiving the 3rd Place Poster Award at the ASEE 2023 Midwest Section Conference in Lincoln, NE!

August 23, 2023

8/23/2023: Congratulations to NED3 on receiving an NSF/CASIS grant to investigate Acoustic Sensing for Interfacial Instabilities in Flow Boiling and Condensation (NSF Grant No. CBET-2323022)!

August 17, 2023

8/17/2023: Congratulations to Stephen Pierson on receiving an Honors College Conference/Workshop Travel Grant!

July 7, 2023

7/6/2023: Congratulations to Ethan Weems on receiving an Honors College Conference/Workshop Travel Grant!

July 3, 2023

7/3/2023: Congratulations to Harrison Greene, Landon Lemmons, Logan Raben, and Grant Resler on receiving their Honors College Research Grants!

June 30, 2023

6/30/2023: Congratulations to Hari Pandey and Christy Dunlap on receiving Doctoral Student Presentation Travel Grants!

June 6, 2023

6/6/2023: Congratulations to Jackson Marsh and Amanda Williams on receiving the NSF Student Participation Award for the ASME 17th International Conference on Energy Sustainability!

May 15, 2023

5/15/2023: Congratulations to Corbin Russ, Chinmaya Joshi, Jackson Minnick, Joshua Mora Sanchez, Trevor Harris, Harrison Greene, and Grant Resler on being named as 2023 DART Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Scholars!

May 7, 2023

5/7/2023: Congratulations to Han Hu on receiving the MEEG Outstanding Service to Students Award!

April 24, 2023

4/24/2023: Congratulations to Han Hu on receiving the 2023 Faculty Gold Medal!